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Amazon AWS connector

by Radiant Logic


Amazon AWS connector. Extract and collect IAM data from Amazon AWS: Users, Groups and Policies.

This connector is used to fulfill the Identity Ledger with Amazon AWS IAM configuration. It can be used to analyse privileged accounts or to run privileged accounts reviews.

In addition it collects EC2 details about all the AWS instances, their name, the accounts that have access to and the related actions and permissions that are authorized.

What’s New

Collect of the EC2 details about AWS instances.

Revision History

version 1.1

AWS EC2 instances

version 1.0

Initial version

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File Version Minimum Product Version Download
bw_amazonaws_1.1.7665.facet1.12016 R3 SP1Login to Download
bw_amazonaws_1.0.6751.facet1.02016 R3 SP1Login to Download