Cross table analyses examples - icon

Cross table analyses examples

by Radiant Logic

Cross table analyses examples snapshot image
Cross table analyses examples snapshot image
Cross table analyses examples snapshot image
Cross table analyses examples snapshot image
Cross table analyses examples snapshot image
Cross table analyses examples snapshot image
Cross table analyses examples snapshot image


This add-on provides “Pages” examples on the CrossTab feature and can be used as a guideline and to show the reporting capabilities of Brainwave Identity GRC.

A cross table is a two-way table that displays aggregated information (also known as Measure) in rows and columns (also known as Dimensions).

Its main purpose is to visualize the relationship between rows and columns and to display large datasets in a condensed format.

A typical cross table example in the context of IAM would be to display access rights by permissions and user accounts.

Columns and rows of the cross table can be optionally grouped to further emphasize the organization of data.

For example, permissions could be grouped by applications, and accounts by repository or groups.

You will find in this add-on examples of three variants of cross tables that the Pages language offers :

  • Fixed cross table
  • Editable cross table
  • Dynamic cross table

Revision History

version 1.0

Initial version

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bw_crosstab_docs_1.0.7537.facet1.02017 R2 SP4Login to Download